How to Put a Silencer on an Airsoft Pistol

How to Put a Silencer on an Airsoft Pistol

Toll Range: £ix.99 - £79.99

The Brusk Version

In this article nosotros will exist breaking down the main types of accessories and attachments into a (hopefully) like shooting fish in a barrel-to-digest buying guide, to help the clueless gift buyer and new Airsofter akin. Today we're talking suppressors, what they're about and how to get the right one.

Why practice I need 1?

  • They look crawly
  • They assistance hide longer inner barrels
  • They tin can change your Airsoft Gun's audio
  • They aid add realism

How do I brand sure I'm getting the right affair?

  • Email the states and enquire
  • Ask your gift-ee what replica/thread they accept
  • Bank check our detailed specifications tab on each product
  • Use the Google machine

Will I demand an adaptor?

  • Probably non, but e'er check first
  • If you're buying for a burglarize, information technology volition probably need to be 14mm CCW(-)
  • If you're buying for a pistol, you'll probably need an 11mm to 14mm Adaptor

The Long Version

Why Should I Buy a Suppressor?

Suppressors are a safe Christmas purchase for whatsoever Airsoft gun, every bit they can be low priced, are piece of cake to fit and in that location is a wide range to ensure that it will work with your replica. The addition of a suppressor tin dramatically improve the looks of any Replica Imitation, but can also be used to hide an extended inner barrel, which can give the Airsoft Gun more range and consistency. Non only this, merely they wait awesome and even if the recipient doesn't use it during a Skirmish, they can use information technology for display purposes. There's a wide range available from £nine.99 all the style to £79.99, with lots of options in between.

How Exercise I Purchase the Right One?

To be sure that y'all are buying the correct Suppressor, you lot volition need to know the 'thread' of the Airsoft Gun it is attaching to. You lot can easily find this out by either asking the person y'all are ownership for, looking on our website for up-to-date specifications or by contacting us to enquire what will fit. When looking at a product on our website, the 'Specification' button volition bear witness you lot all the available data we have almost a production, including everything from Rail Types to Thread specifications.

What Practise I Do With This Info?

The 'thread' is where the suppressor attaches, and screws on just similar a Nut & Bolt would. The most important bit is the diameter of the thread, as this determines the 'type' of suppressor you can adhere. Roughly 95% of Airsoft Guns characteristic a 14mm thread, which is the standard for most, if not all Assault Rifles. Other more than 'niche' weapons (ones that aren't common) may feature a bigger thread only to closer replicate the real thing. The simply matter you demand to worry well-nigh is that the thread size of the suppressor matches the thread size of the Airsoft Gun (i.due east. 14mm suppressor for a 14mm thread).

The side by side important thing is the thread pattern, which will either be Counter Clockwise (Negative) or Clockwise (Positive) and both threads demand to MATCH. A CCW suppressor is Non compatible with a CW thread and will be damaged trying to install it. Over again, 95% of Airsoft Guns run a CCW (Negative) thread, nonetheless in that location are some exceptions such as ARES branded guns which typically feature a CW (Positive) thread.

The thread type is quite simply whether the thread on the Airsoft Gun sticks out or is sunken inside the barrel. Typically all rifles accept a 'Male person' thread and crave a 'Female' Suppressor, still you lot will find that on WE branded Pistols it is a Female thread, meaning y'all demand a 'Male' Suppressor unless you lot purchase an adaptor.

Adaptors – Do I Need One?

If you lot have a different thread to normal, you may need an adaptor to install a Suppressor. These come in all shapes and sizes so you can about guarantee that you can adhere most Suppressors to any replica. The near common thread adaptor is what we utilize for pistols which have a 'Female' (inverse) thread, and volition instead give you a normal 14mm CCW thread like yous tin find on whatever Airsoft burglarize. This lets you lot employ normal rifle Suppressors on a pistol, however we only recommend using lightweight Suppressors on Pistols as at that place is only a modest contact area to handle the weight. At that place are many other types of adaptors such every bit butt extensions, which will increase the length of your thread – very handy for when a Suppressor can't fit within a rail system!

What Is A Tracer Unit?

If you want to get more out of your suppressor, then consider a Tracer Unit. This device lights upward BBs leaving the butt to aid encounter where you are aiming and what you lot take hit; however it needs special 'Tracer BBs' to function. These BBs are only a niggling chip extra over standard Bulletin board system, but tin can totally alter the dynamic of a dark skirmish and assistance you identify hits you've made on other players. This is a neat buy for Airsofters who are forever claiming that they 'definitely hitting that guy over there'. Just like Suppressors, you demand to be certain you take the correct thread on your replica to fit them.

WE Mock Suppressor Kit

A slightly different option for those who run Nosotros branded gas pistols is the Nosotros Mock Suppressor & Inner Barrel Kit, which I felt deserved its' own department as it is mode more than than only a suppressor! This kit includes a lightweight suppressor which is designed to fit on pistols, but also comes with an extended inner barrel which will improve ability to roughly 400FPS and likewise consistency.

Some light technical skills are recommended for this product, as the installation of the inner butt will require a HOP unit disassembly. Information technology is far less daunting than it sounds, even so incorrect installation could damage operation so it is best to know what you lot are doing. No adaptor is required for this suppressor to fit to a WE pistol every bit it is threaded to attach directly onto the butt.

This is a not bad purchase for Airsofters who dearest their Nosotros pistol and desire to start using it as longer range as a primary weapon rather than a backup. Merely be aware of the power increase from installing this kit, as it means that indoor sites likely won't let yous use it due to the loftier ability.

Whilst all this data may seem daunting, we are here to help and it'due south never as complicated equally you think! If you lot're in doubt, we'd love to help y'all get the right gift this Christmas, and so get in touch! kingdom

How to Put a Silencer on an Airsoft Pistol

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